Monday, February 28, 2011

"All the influences were lined up waiting for me, I was born, and there they were to form me, which is why I tell you more of them than of myself"

For those of you that are unaware (or for my mother who still occasionally asks me what my major was) my Bachelor's degree is in English Literature. As it is, I have pretty broad taste in what I read...American Lit. is my favorite (Fitzgerald, Kerouac, Eggers, O'Connor...I could go on forever), but in general I dabble in a little of everything. While in school I barely had time to read for myself and although it's been nice to be able to read whatever I want now, I actually kind of miss having reading lists for classes. Ridiculous, I know. In order to take care of my odd nostalgia I've decided to read Time's All Time 100 Novels in alphabetical order. I'm super excited about it. First on the list is Saul Bellow's The Adventures of Augie March. I'm only on page 135 out of 586, but so far it's classic American, rambling, and overall just excellent writing. 

Side note: OMG Mila Kunis' Oscar dress

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